After searching this site, lots of research, and a great offer at a local store…I pulled the trigger on the Therapedic Eco Gel Paradise mattress set. It reminded me of the feel of the temperpedic cloud but more in my price range and the specs seemed right. However, the first night on my new bed I slept more horribly than I had been sleeping on my temporary Ikea foam 8 inch mattress.
The sink-in feel and support was great. In that regard the comfort was top notch. However, I woke up several times feeling an intense hotness between myself and the mattress. I was sweating and threw the covers off (I sleep with a light blanket). My parents have a Relax the Back bed and I never felt hot like that while sleeping in it. I’ve always used memory foam toppers and while I sometimes feel warm, I never had to get up and sleep on the couch because the hotness was just too much. I figure the hotness I feel is because the Paradise is soft and I sink into it so it envelopes me? It’s horrible. It’s very close to a rug burn feel. Not normal. The retailer suggested I walk all over the mattress to open the cells. I did this then tried it again. Same thing. It starts out wonderful and an hour later I’m sweating and hot. I’m so disappointed. I’m also realizing that I know more than the sales people (and the owner) at my little mom and pops shop where I bought the mattress (and that isn’t saying a whole lot).
I am only allowed to exchange this mattress at this retailer so I’m looking at stress-o-pedic latex mattresses. The other option is the serta iseries but I’ve read that they aren’t very good. At this point, I’m scared to try anything else with memory foam as it seems I chose one of the best with the cool gel and everything and it was a huge disappointment. Question: If the memory foam is farther down in the layers, will it make me hot? I’ve read so many posts and I still feel confused about all this. My only choices appear to be sress-o-pedic then iseries, paula dean, sertapedic (all serta brands I think), and temperapedic (which is out of my price range). HELP!
I will do anything to not sleep hot like that. It’s so horrible. It was a very cool night for Los Angeles. I even put a comforter between myself and the mattress to try and get away from the hotness and I could still feel it radiating through. Just terrible. I’m hoping the stress-o-pedic Christelle Latex Plush or Christelle latex pillowtop will be the answer. Do you know anything about these two latex beds and their specifications? Thank you so much for your help!