Phoenix, thank you for providing such a great site with so much valuable information. I have read the overviews and would appreciate your opinion, or any other members opinions on making a decision for a new mattress. currently have a low quality very firm bonnel coil mattress that gives me low back issues.
Stats- male 6’2 330# back and side sleeper
Wife- 5’2 130# back and side sleeper not picky at all could sleep on anything if she had to lol
Price is a big concern as we are putting two kids through college currently. In a few years we will be able to purchase whatever we want and eventually repurpose the mattress we will be purchasing to a guest room. I am basically considering a few types of mattress types no more than $1200 as we are upgrading from a queen to a king and will also have to purchase a new foudation, frame, sheets ect. I would greatly appreciate any feedback you could provide based on my current thoughts. I currently live in Johnstown, Pa and have not had much luck finding too many retailers that carry latex beds. I do plan on visiting Barron’s in Somerset, PA because they carry pure latex bliss and Wolf furniture in Johnstown/ Altoona as they carry Restonic latex hybrids. I realize these beds will be out of my price range, but would like to get a feel for how latex supports my weight and get an idea of what firmness level prefer I prefer.
I have read some positive things about Brooklyn bedding on the site and am currently considering a few of their beds, but am open to any other suggestions
Option 1… Bamboo Bliss latex hybrid $1200. Really think the aloe alexis would be the best choice due to the extra 3 inches of latex, but price is above budget. I read that a thicker mattress is better for higher body weights and was hoping this 12 inch mattress could be a good compromise. Do you believe this bed would be suitable for someone 330lbs? I ruled out the cotton camilla as it is only 10 inches and uses a 1.5 density base foam even though the price is more appealing. Was thinking of a level 5 comfort level as I prefer a softer bed, but still want adequate support. I did chat with Carlos from BB online and he did think the bliss would be a suitable option, just wanted a second opinion. Also any other hybrid options in this price range anyone knows of would be appreciated for comparison.
Option 2 … Memory foam… I am concerned with my weight that a memory foam bed would break down rather quickly. Any thoughts on this. I do like the feel of many of the medium firm beds I have tested in a few retailers. If I do go with memory foami am assuming 5lb density would be the best option. I have looked into Novabeds and they do have a 5lb density bed in my price range. Are there any other good options with high density foams in my price range that you are aware of?
Option 3… Dreamfoam pocket coil/ latex hybrid $700… I am strongly leaning towards one of the first two options, but I feel this bed presents a great value and was wondering if you think it would be a viable option as the bed would only be used for about 3 years. I found it on their dreamfoam amazon storefront and it has around 800-900 pocket coils with a two inch layer of talay latex in 19 ild in the pillow top. With the pillow top having latex in it I am assuming it would have better durability than a typical pillow top . Just wanted an opinion on this type of bed as well and if there are any other members of the site that make something similar.
I know you do not recomend particular beds during the final decision but just want to make sure none of them are a “bad” options based on my stats, as well if you would have any other recomendations on other options to look into.
Any input would be greatly appreciated